M.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering
Finite element formulations combining motion and nonlinearity.
This research aims to develop a fast nonlinear motional field formulations, which can be used to solve nonlinear motional fields by different potential formulations.
The simulation of rotating electrical machines necessitates to take into account the motion of the rotor. In the two-dimensional finite element analysis one of possibilities to take the rotor motion into account is the insertion of the motion voltage term v × B (Minkowski-transformation term) into the field equations.
One of the part of this project is the solution of the Problem No. 30a of TEAM workshops. The linear problem has been solved in the time domain and in the frequency domain by using the A , V – A – potential formulation with motion, and by using the T ,Φ – Φ – potential formulation with motion. The used methods are applied to compute the fundamental quantities of these induction motors. These are the torque , the power dissipation and the induced voltage. Results of FE simulations.
The nonlinear characteristics of ferromagnetic materials can be handled by the fixed point iterative technique.